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Day Watch Sample Reports:
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Yearly Calendar Report


Yearly Highlights

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Planetary Stations Report

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Monthly Lunations

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Yearly Lunations


Monthly Highlights                 $ 5.95 per month or $45.95 for 12 months

The Monthly Highlights report includes all of the events included in the Yearly Highlights report, but also includes the Moon's conjunctions and oppositions to the Sun, as well as conjunctions with the inner planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars).

Monthly Highlights also shows you the aspects that are within one degree of orb for the month.

The colored bars next to the aspects in this section represent the strength of the aspect as determined by its closeness. For example, aspects within 00°02' of orb will have a much longer bar than aspects within 00°53' of orb.

The green bar represents applying aspects (aspects moving closer to their exact hit), while the blue bar represents separating aspects (aspects which have already made their exact hit and are moving further away).

For the Major Events section of the report, the colored bars signify the aspecting planet. The colors represent the planet; use the colored bars as a visual clue to easily find all of the aspects for a given planet. The length of the bar is determined by the planet's average motion, so you can also use this bar as a rough indication of the strength of the aspect. Slower moving planets stay in aspect for a longer period of time and happen less frequently, therefore they are often considered to have a stronger impact; the bars for these planets are much longer than the faster moving inner planets. "The longer the stronger." This length is determined by planet, not search type, so comparing bars between progressed and transit hits in this way may not be meaningful.

The following sample is 60% of actual size and 60% quality jpegs. This is 2 of five pages for the Monthly Highlights. Please download the pdf file for a complete sample.



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