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Numerology Profile                          $ Varies What's in your future? Your destiny?

This Numerology Report helps you take advantage of favorable influences and avoid forces that work against you, with specific and practical advice.



This is a very complete numerology report, based on your full name at birth as well as your usual name, giving you the opportunity to study the different influences in your life. It provides detailed descriptions of your personal numbers, including: Life path, Birthday, Expression, Heart's desire, Personality, Maturity, Karmic lessons, Hidden passion, Planes of expression, Balance, Rational thought, Cornerstone, Subconscious self, Challenges & Pinnacles.

The Personal Numerology Profile describes all aspects of your numbers as they are understood in numerology, accurately and in-depth. Each chapter starts with a short introduction telling you where this particular number is found and how it affects you. This is followed by the number itself. Often, you will find a double digit number followed by a single digit. The meaning of your number is then explained in easy to read language. You don't need to know anything about numerology to be able to enjoy and benefit from this reading.

 Your life path: See obstacles that you’ll need to overcome.Your outer personality: Who and what you appear to be in the eyes of the world.

Your physical, emotional, intuitive and mental planes: how you think, feel and react

Your soul urge: The inner you that guides you to your happiest and most authentic feelings.  A must for a successful career.

Your day of birth: a thumbnail sketch of who you are based on the calendar date on which you were born.



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